Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today's Thoughts and Feelings

After reading a friend's blog I can't help but be thankful for all that I have. She lost her sweet little girl last August and she shares her thoughts and feelings on her blog and WOW she is a powerful woman and I hope to be as strong as her one day. I am so thankful for my little kids they are absolutely my joy and reason to live! I am so grateful for my husband as well and glad he is such a good man. She talks about not realizing what you have til it's gone and that is so true. With Dave being gone (and this is nothing compared to what she went through) it has been quite an adjustment, I often feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of 3 little kids and knowing I don't get a husband to come home at night and help me, but I am so grateful to know that he will be home soon. (not soon enough) ;) My friend is a strong woman and to sit and write thoughts and feelings every few days would be tough but I'm sure very therapeutic. Life is too short to hold grudges, be jealous, unkind, immature, etc. No one is perfect and I am so grateful for that, we all make mistakes and just hope that others will forgive. She has given me so much strength and slight understanding of what she is going through and I pray for her often. As hard as life seems sometimes it could always be worse. I am so grateful I have an eternal family and and that my friend does too. I hope to be a better person because of her!!

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